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5 Foods to Eat to Lose Weight Fast - Smeh Beautytips

Obesity is common and it's a cause of many diseases. Losing weight by starving isn't a healthy option. There're five main foods to eat to lose weight and you even don't need to starve. Add these foods to your daily diet.                           Five Foods to Eat to Lose Weight: Foods that help you to lose extra pounds are; 1- Broccoli 2- Strawberry 3- Apple 4- Cucumber 5- Chickpea  Broccoli for Weight Loss: Broccoli is a vegetable that isn't only good for health but also good for weight loss. It contains vitamin c, potassium, magnesium, iron, B1, B2, B3, and B6 and is also packed with fibres. For losing weight you need to add more fibre to your diet.  According to the UCSF Medical Center post ' Increasing Fiber Intake' , it's recommended to eat 25-30 grams of dietary fibre through fruits and vegetables. A bunch of Broccoli contains 16 grams of fibre so you can easily increase your fibre intake by adding broccoli to your diet.

Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol Benefits) - Role of Vitamin D

What is Vitamin D3? The role of Vitamin D is to regulate important minerals in the body. These minerals include calcium and phosphate and together they play a vital role in the formation and metabolism of bones. It makes jawbones healthy to strongly hold the teeth.  Vitamin D is a term given to both Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3. The differences between both are:  The first one is obtained from plants and the other one is obtained from sunlight and animals. Vitamin D3 absorbs more quickly in the body than vitamin D2. It is three times more potent as compared to Vitamin D2 and more efficient in binding protein receptors in the body. It's vital to maintain normal Vitamin D levels in the body.                   Vitamin D3 is actually not a vitamin, it's a hormone that improves intestinal absorption. The function of Vitamin D is to absorb healthy nutrition mainly calcium. The normal Vitamin D levels are 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) is the total serum 25(OH)D level. This figure

3 Best Winter Cold Remedies

Winter is on its way and cold is very common in the winter. Your daily activities can be seriously affected by cold if it's not treated properly. It can give you oxidative stress which isn't good for your health. There are a few things that you've to keep in mind for preventing yourselves from the common cold. Common colds can be treated at home easily without using antibiotics. Following are the symptoms of a cold that you can check and treat accordingly. Common Cold Symptoms A sore throat A raised temperature A cough A runny nose or blocked nose or sneezing Muscle aches A headache 3 Best Winter Cold Remedies There are 3 easy winter cold remedies that you can easily do at home. 1- Take a Lemon and Honey Drink Honey and lemon drinks soothe cold symptoms. Honey helps in relieving the symptoms and relaxes a sore throat. Honey improves the immune system that fights colds. Lemon has so many benefits. It doesn't only cleanse the body but it also cures a

What is Double Cleansing for Your Face and How to Do it

What is Double Cleansing? Double cleansing is a procedure to clean the face by using an oil cleanser and a water-based cleanser ( can be a foam cleanser or a non-foam cleanser). This method is especially beneficial for those who have some interaction in a polluted environment and who wear heavy makeup or SPF. People having oily skin or acne-prone skin can also use oil cleansers that are properly formulated. There are the 9 Best Oil Cleansers for Oily Skin  that you can try. Double Cleansing Benefits: For a youthful look, double cleansing is best especially if you wear heavy makeup. Just washing the face won't help in removing all impurities from skin cells. Double cleansing, clears all the dead skin cells and rejuvenates the skin. It also gives an even tone to the skin and helps to brighten it. Most people do double cleansing in the evening after a busy day. This double cleansing prepares the skin for absorbing the essence, serum, and moisturiser deep into the cells, givi

7 Steps to Mental Wellbeing/Mental Health Matters

Mental health is a widely discussed topic for the past few years, it doesn't mean that people didn't suffer from mental health issues in the past but they'd been poorly treated or not treated at all. There is a lot going on for mental health awareness and now, many people started understanding what to do if they have or any of their relatives or friends have anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder. Mild symptoms can be treated at home without starting medications. Taking care of your mental health before getting distressed is like saving something for a rainy day.  In the United States, The National Council for Mental Wellbeing, also known as the National Council for Behavioral Health, is a nonprofit organization that aims to improve the quality of life for individuals living with mental illness and addiction. The organization was founded in 1944 and has since grown to become the largest behavioural health advocacy organization in the United States. The National Council

10 Korean Skincare steps (Korean Beauty Secret)

Korean Skincare products and Korean skincare steps are getting popular these days because of their positive side effects on the skin. It's not compulsory that you do all 10 steps every day, it depends on your skin type and condition. It's actually using different skin care products on the skin: making it healthy and glowy. If you have a busy routine then you can skip steps and do what suits your routine. People have seen good results after following the Korean beauty routine. Korean Skincare Step 1 Oil Cleansing The first step in the Korean beauty routine is to use an oil-based cleanser to remove any dirt or debris from the skin. It removes makeup and impurities from your face. You can use a Korean oil cleanser or one that suits you. Coconut oil is one of the best oil cleansers. You can also check other oil cleansers on post 10 Best Cleansing Oil. The basic principle behind oil cleansing is that oil dissolves oil. Our skin produces sebum, a natural oil that helps to keep the