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3 Best Winter Cold Remedies

Winter Cold Remedies

Winter is on its way and cold is very common in the winter. Your daily activities can be seriously affected by cold if it's not treated properly. It can give you oxidative stress which isn't good for your health. There are a few things that you've to keep in mind for preventing yourselves from the common cold. Common colds can be treated at home easily without using antibiotics. Following are the symptoms of a cold that you can check and treat accordingly.

Common Cold Symptoms

  • A sore throat
  • A raised temperature
  • A cough
  • A runny nose or blocked nose or sneezing
  • Muscle aches
  • A headache

3 Best Winter Cold Remedies

There are 3 easy winter cold remedies that you can easily do at home.

1- Take a Lemon and Honey Drink

Honey and lemon drinks soothe cold symptoms. Honey helps in relieving the symptoms and relaxes a sore throat. Honey improves the immune system that fights colds. Lemon has so many benefits. It doesn't only cleanse the body but it also cures a cold. Lemon is rich in vitamin c that boosts the immune system. It contains antioxidants that help in healing the body. 

Mix 1 tablespoon of honey and a half lemon juice in a cup of warm water. Drink it, whenever you want to soothe the throat and relieve cold symptoms. It also helps with the symptoms of a cough. For a persistent cough, check with the doctor.

The lemon drink alone can also be used for treating colds. For a lemon drink, slice 4-5 lemons and leave them in a jug of hot water for some time then drink it when it becomes warm.

2- Keep Warm and take Rest

Keeping warm helps you to fight the cold. Keeping warm improves the immune system's response to the common cold. Stay indoors and wear woollen clothes to keep warm. Cotton clothes are good at ventilation and provide good comfort in the winter. Covering your head with a woollen hat prevents a headache but don't cover your head if you've got a raised temperature.

Taking a good rest and sleep encourages the immune system to fight off infections. Take plenty of rest when you've got a cold. It releases stress from the body and recovers it.

3- Gargle Salt Water

Mix a pinch of salt in warm water and gargle. Gargling with warm salt water several times a day helps in relieving cold symptoms, especially sore throat. It reduces swelling in the throat and clears bacteria and infections from it.

For gargling, take a large sip of warm salt water and move your head upward so you can see the ceiling now gargle for at least 30 seconds and then spit all the water in the sink. Repeat this process until you finish all the cups of water.

For treating colds in babies check the post 'Cold in babies'.

Tips to Avoid Catching a Cold

You can avoid catching a cold by using the following tips,

  • Don't share your towel, cup or glass with someone having a cold.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
  • Add vitamin C to your diet.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Cover properly when going outside in cold weather.

When to See the Doctor

If the symptoms get worse or the cold symptoms don't improve within 3 weeks or you have a weaker immune system (because of any long-term medical condition) then you can see the doctor.
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Winter Cold RemediesWinter Cold Remedies


  1. I hate getting colds, they are the worst aren't they! They just make you feel so pants! Will defo try some of these remedies next time I am struck down with a cold! Thanks!

  2. I didn't think winter in other countries would be this serious. As a settler in a remote area of a tropical country Philippines, my dream is to experience winter season. Haha.


  3. My Manchild just went to bed early with a cold - perfect timing discovering this post! Im looking forward to putting some of your tips into action to combat man flu tomorrow

  4. Your 3 remedies are the best because they are all natural and so very easy to do! I also take a spoonful of honey aside from what you suggested which is lemon and honey tea :)

  5. I love these 3 remedies and use them any time I don't feel well!

  6. Thanks so much for sharing these winter remedies! We will keep these handy.

  7. I love honey to treat cold. Your remedies sound fantastic. I am sure gargling helps too.

  8. We always do the first two remedies in your list when coming down with a cold. Will have to try out gargling salt water next time as another remedy.

  9. I always make lemon honey tea for my kids when they are sick. It does great to soothe their throat.

  10. We've done these things and I can attest that they definitely work!

  11. I have tried them all! I have to admit that they all work. Specially the lemon and honey. When I have severe cough or asthma, a tablespoon of honey and lemon would make wonders. I approve lol


  12. I love all these helpful tips. Honey and lemon tea is so soothing when I'm feeling under the weather!

  13. I have gargled salt water and it really helps with a sore throat. It tastes gross but then you can have honey!

  14. I know I'll need this eventually! Saving for future reference.

  15. When I catch a cold, I am all about drinking some tea with honey! It always helps me to feel better! This is a great list. I like that you also included the don'ts on here!

  16. I use all three of these remedies whenever I have a cold, especially when that cold comes with a sore throat. They help so much.

  17. Wow! This is awesome! These are so helpful to us because of this season are so cold. I will definitely share these amazing remedies that you share with us!

  18. Colds are the absolute worst!! #1 & #2 is exactly how I go about trying to get rid of them. I never thought to try gargling salt water.. But will think about this the next time I get a cold. Thanks for sharing your input!!

  19. Thank you so much for these all natural remedies. I have been fighting a cold for a month and nothing has worked. I'm going to try these even through I just made a dr. appointment!

  20. Staying warm and getting enough rest is key to getting better. Unfortunately, rest isn't always an option when you work during the day.

  21. I'll give these a try. I hate when I have a cold. It always happens in the winter, so I'll keep these in mind for sure.

  22. Indeed the best thing to do is to stay warm and to keep our bodies healthy and strong. Now, I use essential oils to manage early cold symptoms.

  23. I have gargled more in my life than anything else. It's one of the first things I do when I get a cold. I'll have to try your other remedies as well next time. Which I hope is not for a long time.


  24. I've already felt better to read these remedies! I'll let you know how I found myself!

  25. This is a great post and I really enjoyed and needed it. I always like home remedies and this one for the cold sounds good. Great job! Thanks for sharing it.!This is a great post and I really enjoyed and needed it. I always like home remedies and this one for the cold sounds good. Great job! Thanks for sharing it.!

  26. I hate getting sick and I try to do everything in my power to avoid it at all costs! Thank you for these easy and holistic tips for getting over a winter cold!

  27. I needed this list a week ago. I got so sick (lost voice and infection) I had to stay out of work for 4 days!

  28. These are all remedies that my Grandma used to have me do. Last one is Vick's vapor rub :)

  29. These are some really great tips right here, and I will definitely keep them in mind for the next Winter season (it is Summer here in Australia)

  30. Lemon & honey literally saved me yesterday!! I’ve been having allergy flare ups, and I’m terrified that I’m gonna get sick, but the moment I felt that scratchy throat, I ran to old faithful, the honey! Great list of tips!

  31. The lemon and honey drink is hwhat I'd go for since I'm already used to drinking lemon water each morning.

  32. Great tips here. I've been ill for the last 3 weeks with the flu and relying on Lemon and honey! It's been tough!

  33. I always drink lemon and honey infusion when i am sick! first it tastes good, and it is also so efficient!

  34. I'm legit bookmarking this RIGHT NOW. This is the post I needed.

  35. I swear by honey and lemon drinks when feeling poorly! I would like to add to
    Your list, ginger garlic and timer chicken broth too. Best. Ever!

  36. Lemon & honey literally are the best tips to save me. They are truly good.

  37. This was a super-helpful post! I’m currently dealing with the cold that won’t quit at my house and I’m desperately seeking new ideas!

  38. I have heard of the gargling salt water but I have struggled with it. Hasn't been too effective. The tea and honey with a little lemon? That always works for me.

  39. For us, turmeric and ginger in warm water. It's not the best tasting, but it's not disgusting either.

  40. I live in Maine, so yes, it's especially important to do what's necessary to avoid catching colds, or worse, the flu. I regularly drink warm water every morning with lemon juice and apple cider vinegar in it. Then I have my hot tea with honey.

  41. Anything with honey is my go to remedie. I love a warm tea with honey in it for when I’m feeling under the weather.

  42. Useful tips! This post is very useful for people looking for health care tips. Thanks for sharing!


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