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Which 5 Herbs are Good for Colds

A common cold is an upper respiratory tract viral infection that may include fever, runny nose, sore throat, cough, and sneezing. Many viruses, including rhinoviruses, cause the common cold and can be contracted by direct contact with infected individuals or items or by airborne droplets. While there isn't a cure for the common cold, there are treatments that may help with the symptoms. 5 Herbs that May Help You this Winter Depending on the symptoms and severity of the cold, there are 5 herbs that may be used to treat the symptoms of the common cold at home.  The most popular 5 useful herbs are: 1. Garlic 2. Ginger 3. Echinacea 4. Thyme 5. Peppermint Garlic One natural cure that can help you ease the symptoms of colds and the flu is garlic. Along with onions, shallots, and leeks, garlic is a plant of the lily family. Based on one's own definition, it can be used as a herb, a vegetable, or a spice. However, other sources might not classify garlic as a herb because of its structu

5 Most Antioxidant Rich Foods

Antioxidants are substances that support your cells' defence against injury from potentially hazardous chemicals called free radicals. Free radical buildup can lead to oxidative stress , which can harm your DNA and other vital cellular components. Chronic oxidative stress can raise your risk of developing chronic conditions like cancer, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Numerous nutrient-dense foods, such as particular kinds of berries, nuts, and vegetables, are high in antioxidants. These foods may help prevent chronic diseases and have been connected to other health advantages.  Here are some most antioxidants-rich foods that you might want to include in your diet. These meals may lessen the risk of chronic diseases by assisting in preventing or delaying cell damage brought on by free radicals. 5 Most Antioxidant Rich Foods There are 5 major sources of antioxidants in our foods. These sources are: 1. Fruits 2. Vegetables 3. Spices and Herbs 4. Nuts and Seeds 5. Dark chocolate 1

Why Celebrities are Obsessed with Hijama/Cupping Therapy

Hijama/Cupping Therapy Hijama (Dry or Wet cupping therapy) has been used for thousands of years by many cultures all over the world. Cupping was practised in China and Egypt, according to historical records. Celebrities have always been trendsetters and influencers, and their choices and preferences often shape popular culture. In recent years, a growing number of celebrities have become interested in hijama, also known as cupping therapy. This ancient practice, which involves the use of cups to create suction on the skin, has been embraced by celebrities for a variety of reasons. One reason why celebrities may be drawn to hijama is its potential health benefits. The suction created by the cups can stimulate blood flow and help to release tension in the muscles and soft tissue. This can help to reduce pain and inflammation, improve athletic performance, and promote overall well-being. Additionally, hijama is believed to have detoxifying properties, which can help to rid the body of tox

Staff Shortage in Healthcare putting patient at Red Risk

Patients' safety and lives are being jeopardised due to a staff shortage in healthcare. When hospitals are understaffed and in need of stronger practice management procedures, more patients experience serious effects. Near misses must be identified in healthcare because many harmful medical incidents can be avoided, and recognising them aids healthcare organisations in developing better practice management approaches to protect patients. The staff ensures that patients are well taken care of, including regular exams, assistance with toileting, and timely medicine. The care staff shortage is a major source of concern for authorities in countries around the world, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and Australia. Staff shortages in healthcare have a substantial impact on patient care, resulting in longer wait times, delays in treatment, and negative experiences, all of which contribute to additional mental health disorders. One out of every 10 nursing positions

Climate Change and Health - Smeh Beautytips

What is Climate Change? Climate change is a change in weather patterns found in a particular region. This can range from how much rainfall per year to a rise in temperature for a month or season. Climate change doesn't only relate to changes in weather but it's also a change in the Earth's climate found in a place. This includes a change in the Earth's usual condition and varying the possibility of where rain and snow normally fall on the Earth. Changes in weather patterns can be for a few hours but it takes hundreds or even millions of years to change the climate. Causes of climate change 1. Green House Effects Greenhouse gases absorb infrared radiation and stop them from escaping into space. This trap of heat radiations forms a warming blanket around the Earth and this process is known as the greenhouse effect - the main cause of climate change. Carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, methane, and nitrous oxide are some examples of greenhouse gases. Humans and natural fa

Exercise-Induced Asthma - Smeh Beautytips

 What Is Exercise-Induced Asthma? Strenuous exercise or workout triggers a condition in which airways in the lungs become narrow and cause wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and other symptoms during or after the exercise. This condition is called exercise-induced asthma. Exercise is good for health and it helps in building a stronger immune system but some people with asthma have asthma-attack during exercise. This asthma episode can set back someone with asthma from doing exercise but taking proper measures during the workout can aid in preventing and managing its symptoms. What Causes Exercise-Induced Asthma? During the exercise, the body demands more oxygen and so as to fulfil this requirement you breathe faster and deeper. When the heart starts beating faster and the body needs more oxygen, you inhale through the month, and this causes the air to be dryer and cooler than breathing through the nose.  Airway narrowing in the lungs is triggered by dry and/or cold air so the exe