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Showing posts with the label weightloss

How to Treat Love Handles? (Weight Loss)

What are Love Handles? Love handles sound good but it's actually excess fat deposited at the waistline of a person. The hanging fat around the waistline is sometimes hard to lose and ruins the beauty of many worn outfits. The good news is one can get rid of love handles naturally by changing lifestyle and improving eating habits. What Causes Love Handles? Fat retention is the main cause of love handles. Factors that cause it are as follows: Languidness A diet high in sugar, calories and bad cholesterol High levels of cortisol (Haromones) in the body Lack of sleep Hypothyroidism How to Get Rid of Love Handles by Diet? One can get rid of love handles by putting the body in a weight-loss state. This state is known as a caloric deficit state and it helps in overall body fat loss, especially from love handles. For achieving this state one needs to follow the steps below: Drink plenty of water per day (8 glasses of water at least). Take less or no added sugar in the

What is Intermittent Fasting? Lose Weight Without Exercise

What is Intermittent Fasting? Intermittent fasting is a fad but it seems that this craze can go on for a long because of its staggering health benefits. In this fasting, one needs to fast for a period of time per day or alternate days for as long as one wants. The day is divided into two parts. On one part, one needs to fast and on the other part, one needs to eat normally. The duration of fasting is from twelve to thirty-six hours. Intermittent fasting Science: Intermittent fasting helps in lowering insulin levels in the body. Carbohydrates are broken down into sugar and glucose that our body uses as a source of energy. If the body doesn't use it then it stores it in fat cells or as fat. When the human body is on fast, its insulin level gets down and these fat cells release stored glucose that provides energy. So, the science behind intermittent fasting is to lower insulin levels to the extent that body fats start releasing stored sugar for energy and thus burn body fats.

Top 3 Vitamin C Benefits for Health/Skin/Hair

What does Vitamin C Do?  Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that works as an antioxidant in the body. These antioxidants protect the body from cell damage that is caused by free radicals. Oxidative stress is harmful to the body and antioxidants help in stabilising free radicals caused by oxidative stress. It is important to know about  Oxidative Stress, and Its Remedies  to learn how to deal with it. Why You Should Care about Vitamin C in Your Diet? Vitamin C plays a vital role in the development and repair of body tissues. It's multifarious health and beauty benefits that one should know. It produces a protein that makes skin, tendons and blood vessels. Many beauty brands found incredible benefits of  Vitamin C for skin and hair; these brands are now adding Vitamin C to their various products. Also, it's an important source of major body functions. Top 3 Vitamin C Benefits Vitamin C has so many benefits for skin, hair, and health. Below are the three m

9 Quickest Ways to Lose Weight Naturally

Weight gain is the biggest raising problem in the world. Junk foods aren't the only cause of weight gain; some medical conditions are also behind obesity. In America, 3/4 of Americans could suffer from weight gain by 2020 - according to Wiki . Weight gain is mostly a cause of many diseases. There are 9 safest and quickest ways to lose weight naturally without any side effects if they are followed properly. 9 Quickest Ways to Lose Weight: It's not onerous to lose weight when a proper plan is followed. The best thing is to do it naturally without taking medication. 1- Add Less Sugar or No Sugar to Diet: One of the quickest ways to lose weight is to take less sugar; there is a direct link between sugar and hunger levels. Taking more sugar causes more hunger. Avoiding sugar or eating fewer carbohydrates discourages binge eating. When the body feels hungry due to a high level of sugar in the body, the person overeats, which means it doesn't burn the stored fat. Wh

3 Proven Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea has been used for its numerous health benefits for centuries. Green tea is made from Camellia sinensis leaves and is mainly produced in China and Japan. Drinking more green tea can effectively improve health. It's traditionally used in China for treating many diseases (from headaches to depression). 3 Proven Benefits of Green Tea: Green Tea Helps in Weight Loss: According to studies, green tea may help in weight loss by increasing body metabolism. Catechin in green tea helps in breaking down fats. It burns body fats by increasing fat oxidation to 17%. It's good for losing abdominal fat. The best times for drinking green tea to lose weight are in the morning around 10-11 a.m. or in between meal timings (2 hours before or after eating the meal) or early at night.  It's advisable to drink Matcha green tea in order to lose weight or any good quality green tea for a better result. There are also different ways to help with weight loss. You can chec

5 Foods to Eat to Lose Weight Fast - Smeh Beautytips

Obesity is common and it's a cause of many diseases. Losing weight by starving isn't a healthy option. There're five main foods to eat to lose weight and you even don't need to starve. Add these foods to your daily diet.                           Five Foods to Eat to Lose Weight: Foods that help you to lose extra pounds are; 1- Broccoli 2- Strawberry 3- Apple 4- Cucumber 5- Chickpea  Broccoli for Weight Loss: Broccoli is a vegetable that isn't only good for health but also good for weight loss. It contains vitamin c, potassium, magnesium, iron, B1, B2, B3, and B6 and is also packed with fibres. For losing weight you need to add more fibre to your diet.  According to the UCSF Medical Center post ' Increasing Fiber Intake' , it's recommended to eat 25-30 grams of dietary fibre through fruits and vegetables. A bunch of Broccoli contains 16 grams of fibre so you can easily increase your fibre intake by adding broccoli to your diet.

25 Benefits of Drinking Water

There are so many health benefits of drinking water in the morning. It is best to first hydrate the body after waking up for the day ahead. This sustains blood flow to the skin and flushes toxins off the body.  D rinking water in the morning prevents the development of kidney stones. This process helps in averting colon and bladder infections. The following are the 25 benefits of drinking water in the morning or at night. Benefits of Drinking Water: 1. Water Purifies Colon: Drinking water in the morning helps the body to purify the colon and produces colon which is a healthier one. This process aids in producing new fresh blood that benefits in curing ailments and restoring your health. Starting the day with a glass of water encourages the stomach to absorb nutrients appropriately by activating the colon and intestines' mucosal folds. This procedure can keep a number of maladies at bay. 2. Water Increases The Production of Blood and Muscles Cell: It is interesting to know that