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How to Boost Immune System Naturally?

The immune system is vital for humans' survival as it is the body's defence mechanism against infections and toxins provided by organs and processes of the body. 

A healthy immune system protects the body from bacteria, viruses, toxins, and other potentially damaging foreign bodies. When the immune system functions properly, it identifies a variety of threats like harmful microorganisms or nasty bacteria while distinguishing the body's own healthy tissue.

The seven main parts of the immune system are white blood cells, the complement system, the lymphatic system, antibodies, the spleen, the thymus, and the bone marrow.

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Natural Ways to Boost Immune System

Boost the Immune system naturally by improving the following health-related matters.

1- Improve Gut Health (Take Probiotics)

The gastrointestinal tract makes up a large part of the immune system. Up to 70% of immune cells are found in the gut wall. The lining of the intestine secretes antibodies and contains cells that destroy harmful bacteria. The human gut receives a lot of microorganisms from the food and the wall of the gut provides barrier immunity that inhibits microorganisms to enter the body. Apart from providing immunity, the gut houses more than a thousand species of bacteria. The gut's microbiomes reside in the gastrointestinal tract and provide essential health benefits, particularly by regulating the immune system. Alteration of this gut's microbiome community can cause immune dysregulation leading to autoimmune disorders.

There are some proven ways that help in improving the gut's health and boost immunity as well. Take probiotics daily. Probiotics are live bacterias and yeasts that are good for health, especially for the digestive system. Probiotics are also known as good or helpful bacteria because they help to keep the gut healthy by balancing the pathogenic bacteria in it. This helps the gut to maintain a healthy community of microorganisms that boosts the body's immunity.

2- Avoid Taking Processed Foods

A study published in the nutrition journal WHO looked at the impact of processed foods on people's immune systems. It's found that a large number of calories in fast foods may lead to health problems such as increased inflammation, reduced control of infection, increased rates of cancer, and increased risks of allergic and autoimmune disease. So replace fast foods and heavily processed foods with natural foods in the diet.

3- Appropriate Vitamin Levels in the Body

Vitamins are essential to life. These organic compounds usually acquire as a part of a balanced diet. Vitamins are vital in the proper functioning of the immune system. Immune cells are one of the most rapidly dividing cells of the body and they need a large number of vitamins to reproduce and function properly.

Vitamin D [Ergocalciferol (D2) and Cholecalciferol (D3)]

Vitamin D is the most important vitamin related to the immune system. Peoples who suffer from chronic infections have a low level of vitamin D in the body. The recommended amount of taking vitamin D is 2000-5000 IU per day. One can get it by sunshine and eating foods containing vitamin D. Doctors can test the level of vitamin D in the body and determine the exact amount that one needs. Adding mushrooms to the diet not only gives immune-boosting vitamin D but also fillips white blood cell activities.

Vitamin A (Retinoic acid)

The biologically active form of vitamin A (retinoic acid) can have a profound effect on the immune system. Retinoic acid is being tested as a potential therapeutic treatment for certain autoimmune diseases. Food rich in vitamin A are eggs, milk, and green vegetables.

Vitamin E (Tocopherol)

Vitamin E is known for its antioxidant properties and has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties in the immune system.
Try to take these vitamins by eating fruits and vegetables and if necessary by taking supplements. Add four to five servings of greens and fruits to the diet per day for optimal health.

4- Be active

Physical activities stimulate the immune system and strengthen infection defence. Exercise has anti-inflammatory effects which means moderate exercise stimulates the immune system above sedentary levels. It reduces a certain type of protein level that indicates a reduction in inflammation and stress in the body. Exercise improves body blood circulation and improves the flow of lymphatic fluid. Lymphatic fluid travels through cells and tissue; removes bacteria, toxins, waste products, and even cancer cells. Do some sort of cardio exercise 5 times a week at least 20-40 minutes per day, however, continuous vigorous workout leads to weakening the immune system and makes you more prone to flu and infections so do it sensibly.

5- Cut the Stress

Chronic stress suppresses the immune response of the body by releasing the hormone cortisol. Cortisol interferes with the T cells (a specific type of white cell to reproduce and receives signals from the body). Cortisol also reduces antibody secretion of IGA that lines the gut and respiratory tract and is the first line against pathogens. Stress can also have an indirect effect on the immune system. Check the post, '7 Mental Health Tips That are Approved by Therapists' to know how to reduce anxiety and stress.

6- Meditate

Meditation for 15-20 minutes a day at least 3-4 days per week helps in reducing stress. It sets the mind in the right direction first thing in the morning and makes one more tolerant towards stresses that come in the way throughout the day. Breaking down of chromosomes can lead to cancer and premature ageing. Meditation reduces cortisol levels and research shows that it helps to prevent the breakdown of chromosomes.

7- Adequate Sleep

When it comes to immunity, sleep plays a very important role. While sleeping 7-9 hours a day won't prevent someone from getting sick also skipping on it could adversely affect the immune system leaving one susceptible to viral and bacterial infections like flu and sore throat. Without sufficient sleep, the body starts making fewer cytokines (a type of protein that targets infections and inflammation for effective immune system response). Cytokines are released in much smaller quantities when someone is sleep deprived. In addition, infection-fighting antibodies in cells are reduced during the period when one doesn't get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can adversely affect body immunity and the body needs sleep to fight infections and diseases. Long-term inadequate sleeping patterns can cause obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. To know how much sleep one needs (with respect to age) and how to get a night of good sleep, check the post, 'How to Get a Better Night's Sleep?'.

8- Do not Smoke

Smoking can result in a weaker body immune system. Those who smoke are less successful at fighting diseases. Smoking is known to compromise the balance of the immune system. Chemical compounds in the smoke are detrimental to health as it badly affects the body's immunity and the maladies apparently worsened by smoking are gum diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, and viral and bacterial infections. Check the post,' Five Ways to Quit Smoking.

9- Maintain a Healthy Weight

Losing weight is a nice way to help the immune system. Excess weight around the abs can go around and turn the body's defence mechanism against healthy body cells and tissues. One can get useful tips on losing weight by the following posts:

5 Foods to Eat to Lose Weight Fast
What is Intermittent Fasting? [Lose Weight Without Exercise]
7 Best Weight Loss Tips

10- Improve Personal Hygiene

The best way to keep germs at bay is to practice good personal hygiene. One can do the following measures to improve self-hygiene:

  • Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before cooking food and after using the toilet.
  • Always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when sneezing or coughing. If tissue is not available then sneeze on the elbow rather than on your hands to avoid spreading bacteria.
  • One can use hand sanitiser if he/she is in the risk category or has underlying medical conditions before going out to study, work, social gathering, or for shopping. For making homemade hand sanitiser simply mix a quarter a cup of hydrogen peroxide with 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel in a bottle. Shake well and use it when necessary.

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  1. These are great tips. So many people forget that being healthy starts with doing the right things for our bodies. When our bodies have what they need, they are better equipped to combat all the gross stuff out there.

  2. I do my best to stay healthy at all times. It's important for day-to-day life, but when a crazy thing like this outbreak comes along, you need all the help you can get to fight it off.

  3. This is most definatly an article thats important through out times like this!
    Stay safe :)

  4. Personal hygiene is a critical part of staying healthy. That doesn't just mean bathing. You have to make sure you wash your hands all the time AND keep the area around you clean, as well.

  5. I'm very glad to be doing a number of these things already. Probiotics has been key for me.

  6. Great tips on boosting our immune system especially during this period of the Covid Pandemic. Going to try to follow some of your tips. Thank you..

  7. Absolutely great tips! We tend to forget or even to not set it as a priority that staying healthy should begin with making the right choices. Our bodies will perform so much better when supplied with they actually need.

  8. i did not realize vitamin E had immunity components. that's so good to know. thanks for sharing.

  9. Natural foods certainly make you feel better than those that are processed. I like the tips you gave.

  10. Natural food and supplements are so useful at the moment when stuck in side, keeping us healthy and happy

  11. Yes holistic ways are out there to heal our immune system. I would tell anyone to stock up on citrus during this time!

  12. A lot of great ideas and thanks for the inspiration. While we have to do our best to stop virus from spreading, it's also very important to take care of the fundamental - improve your own immune system. - Knycx Journeying

  13. Aaaahhhh...then, I must be on the right track, with working out more! I love it.

  14. Those are all wonderful tips to keep in mind. It's important to be healthy and boost our immune system through natural processes.

  15. These are great tips to help keep us health . Especially during this time of uncertainty with the virus going around. Hopefully boosting your immune system will keep you and others around you healthy.


  16. I find that your advice is very useful. It is always better to do more for our health than less!

  17. These are very important for good health. Especially sleep nd cutting off stress.

  18. Probiotics also work in competing with the harmful bacteria and do not allow the harmful or disease causing bacteria to grow in the gut. Also probiotics have shown to enhance production of regulatory T cells which help in bringing down inflammation by suppressing other T and B cells.

  19. Great tips on how to boost one's immune system naturally. I will follow these tips to improve my health.

  20. These are some good tips. Very informative post, thank you so much!

  21. These are so important to do, especially now! Thank you for all of this info!

  22. I hope a lot of people see this! Great info! Will share!

  23. Thank you for these tips on how to boost our immune system! I really needed this.

  24. I do many of these, and they really do help! Currently I am working on my hardest one - cutting out processed foods!

  25. Thanks for sharing these. Having a good immunity is really required in these tough times of Covid 19

  26. Thank you for these. Having a good immunity is very important right now.

  27. The ABC for a good life. Treat your body well and it will reward you with a good body. I 😉

  28. These are all really good ideas. Thank you for promoting such a positive message :)

  29. Out of these, some I follow, and some I want to. Will try harder to follow the most.

  30. Great article! We need all the immune boosters we can get!

  31. I'm so glad at least I check 90% of this list. We recently added more multivitamins

  32. Great information! It's amazing how big of a role gut health makes in immune health. Probiotics are have been a huge game changer for me. I live in a very hot sunny climate and I think it also helps when I spend more time outside in the sun and warmth, especially at the beach.

  33. I've heard that magnesium helps a lot with stress and doing some exercise on a daily basis.

  34. You've got some great points here. One of the best things that we can do to protect ourselves in light of the current situation is to takes steps to optimize our immune systems. While we can't exactly eliminate stress with everything going on, we can improve our diets, stay active, ensure that we are getting enough sleep, etc.

  35. These are really simplest ways and thanks...I definitely follow these tips and to protect from infections immune booster supplements is also good.


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