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Showing posts with the label skincare

Vitamin B12 Benefits; How Vitamin B12 Can Help You Live A Better Life

Vitamin B12 plays a vital role in cell metabolism; it's a water-soluble vitamin that is also known as Cobalamin. Vitamin B12 has the largest complex structure in vitamins and has multifarious benefits. Some of them include maintaining healthy nerve cells (keeping the normal nervous system) and red blood cell production. It's also good for the skin, hair, and nails. Man-made vitamin B12 is known as Cyanocobalamin and it's also recommended by Vegan experts. Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency: Vitamin B12 deficiency can have various symptoms but the main of them are as follows: Pale Skin Mouth Ulcer Fatigue Hair loss Disturb Vision Depression (Prolong Vitamin B12 deficiency results in nerve damage) Loss of appetite Short of breath Causes of Vitamin B12 Deficiency: There are some reasons for Vitamin B12 deficiency that should be treated in order to cure Vitamin B12 deficiency. The following are the main of them. Pernicious anaemia  Conditions that a

4 Best Home Remedies for Acne Scars

Acne is pesky that gives skin irritation, redness, and swelling. Breakout leads to facial scars on the skin that sometimes takes months to go on their own. For clear and smooth skin, it's better to avoid having breakouts rather than delaying acne treatment and applying remedies later. A breakout can be controlled by different methods, check the post ' How to Treat Pimples ' for avoiding skin acne scars. For severe acne scars, it's best to check with a dermatologist. Some acne scars are stubborn and hard to fade away or sometimes acne leaves its permanent marks, therefore it's better to avoid breakouts. Home Remedies for Acne Scars: Don't touch or scratch pimples because it leaves dark scars and also take more time to fade away. There are many foods that can help in fading and treating acne scars but four of them are the best home remedies that can be easily followed. 1- Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar has anti-inflammatory proper

Dark Chocolate Benefits for Skin, Hair and Health

Dark chocolate is slightly bitter in taste and has a dark brown colour without added milk. It contains cocoa solids, cocoa butter, and sugar without milk, unlike milk chocolates. Dark chocolate is not only good for skin and hair but also good for overall health.                      Dark Chocolate Benefits for Skin: Dark chocolate is a powerful source of antioxidants that help in reviving skin cells. It lowers the early signs of ageing and gives skin a youthful look. Antioxidants in dark chocolate cure skin alignments fast.  Dark chocolate, if consumed in the right amount, gives a glow to the skin. It protects the skin from UV damage like sunburn and skin cancer. It's actually a skin detoxifier that sloughs off dead skin cells that could cause skin blemishes if not removed properly, giving new fresh skin.  For acne-prone skin, it's better to eat dark chocolate than milk chocolate because in dark chocolate there is a high number of antioxidants that reduce infl

Aloe Vera Benefits and Aloe Vera Uses

Aloe vera is a plant from which aloe vera gel is obtained. Aloe vera gel is a clear gel that is used for improving different hair and skin conditions. There are also health benefits of aloe vera juice. It's packed with vitamins, minerals, and other healthy nutrition.                            Aloe Vera Benefits/Uses: Aloe Vera generally has no side effects and it's famous for its healing properties. Aloe Vera benefits/uses are, Benefits of Aloe Vera on Face: Aloe Vera is used in delaying early signs of ageing and can be used as an anti-ageing gel. It contains antioxidants, vitamin C and E that repairs damaged cells and provides firmness to the skin. It improves skin elasticity and delays the appearance of wrinkles. For good skin, you can use aloe Vera gel twice a day. It's a natural moisturiser that rejuvenates the skin without making it oily and causing breakouts. Instead of causing acne, Aloe Vera is used in treating breakouts on the face. Also, there are 10

7 Tips to Prepare Yourself for looking Good on Valentine's Day

Everybody wants to look beautiful on Valentine's day with their loved ones. There are a few tips that you can easily follow before valentines day to look gorgeous on this special day. 1- Follow 10 Korean Skincare Steps: 10 Korean Skincare Steps is a beauty regimen that you can start following today and looks beautiful on Valentine's day. You can see a difference in your skin just after the first day of following these steps. For good skin, these 10 Korean skincare steps should be a routine in your life.  Dark circles and puffy eyes can also be improved by these steps but if you've got a prominent dark circle around your eyes then there are also other ways to improve Dark Circles and Puffy eyes .  If you don't have enough time for Korean beauty's 10 steps then you can only do   Double cleansing  for good skin. 2- Treat Oily Skin:  When you clean your face with tissue paper and notice oil in it then it means you've got oily skin. Oily skin shines more

Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol Benefits) - Role of Vitamin D

What is Vitamin D3? The role of Vitamin D is to regulate important minerals in the body. These minerals include calcium and phosphate and together they play a vital role in the formation and metabolism of bones. It makes jawbones healthy to strongly hold the teeth.  Vitamin D is a term given to both Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3. The differences between both are:  The first one is obtained from plants and the other one is obtained from sunlight and animals. Vitamin D3 absorbs more quickly in the body than vitamin D2. It is three times more potent as compared to Vitamin D2 and more efficient in binding protein receptors in the body. It's vital to maintain normal Vitamin D levels in the body.                   Vitamin D3 is actually not a vitamin, it's a hormone that improves intestinal absorption. The function of Vitamin D is to absorb healthy nutrition mainly calcium. The normal Vitamin D levels are 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) is the total serum 25(OH)D level. This figure