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Showing posts with the label mental health

How to Get a Better Night's Sleep

Why a Better Night's Sleep is Important? Better sleep plays a vital role in both mental and physical health. A night of good quality sleep makes one feel better during the day. The human body needs rest to function properly. Sleeping isn't merely shutting off the body; it's the hours when the brain stays busy in biological maintenance to function properly during the day so one can work at its best the day ahead. Health Benefits of Better Night's Sleep There are multifarious health benefits of sleep. The main benefits are as follows: Helps in Lowering Blood Pressure Gives Boosting Mood Helps in a sharper Brain Good for Heart Health Improves Immune System Helps in Controlling Weight Poor Sleep is Linked to Anxiety and Depression What Are the Causes of Sleeplessness (Insomnia)? Sometimes people don't get enough sleep when they are busy or sometimes there are some medical conditions behind it. Below is a list of conditions that can affect

Vitamin B12 Benefits; How Vitamin B12 Can Help You Live A Better Life

Vitamin B12 plays a vital role in cell metabolism; it's a water-soluble vitamin that is also known as Cobalamin. Vitamin B12 has the largest complex structure in vitamins and has multifarious benefits. Some of them include maintaining healthy nerve cells (keeping the normal nervous system) and red blood cell production. It's also good for the skin, hair, and nails. Man-made vitamin B12 is known as Cyanocobalamin and it's also recommended by Vegan experts. Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency: Vitamin B12 deficiency can have various symptoms but the main of them are as follows: Pale Skin Mouth Ulcer Fatigue Hair loss Disturb Vision Depression (Prolong Vitamin B12 deficiency results in nerve damage) Loss of appetite Short of breath Causes of Vitamin B12 Deficiency: There are some reasons for Vitamin B12 deficiency that should be treated in order to cure Vitamin B12 deficiency. The following are the main of them. Pernicious anaemia  Conditions that a

Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol Benefits) - Role of Vitamin D

What is Vitamin D3? The role of Vitamin D is to regulate important minerals in the body. These minerals include calcium and phosphate and together they play a vital role in the formation and metabolism of bones. It makes jawbones healthy to strongly hold the teeth.  Vitamin D is a term given to both Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3. The differences between both are:  The first one is obtained from plants and the other one is obtained from sunlight and animals. Vitamin D3 absorbs more quickly in the body than vitamin D2. It is three times more potent as compared to Vitamin D2 and more efficient in binding protein receptors in the body. It's vital to maintain normal Vitamin D levels in the body.                   Vitamin D3 is actually not a vitamin, it's a hormone that improves intestinal absorption. The function of Vitamin D is to absorb healthy nutrition mainly calcium. The normal Vitamin D levels are 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) is the total serum 25(OH)D level. This figure

7 Steps to Mental Wellbeing/Mental Health Matters

Mental health is a widely discussed topic for the past few years, it doesn't mean that people didn't suffer from mental health issues in the past but they'd been poorly treated or not treated at all. There is a lot going on for mental health awareness and now, many people started understanding what to do if they have or any of their relatives or friends have anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder. Mild symptoms can be treated at home without starting medications. Taking care of your mental health before getting distressed is like saving something for a rainy day.  In the United States, The National Council for Mental Wellbeing, also known as the National Council for Behavioral Health, is a nonprofit organization that aims to improve the quality of life for individuals living with mental illness and addiction. The organization was founded in 1944 and has since grown to become the largest behavioural health advocacy organization in the United States. The National Council

Beauty Secret of Hemp Oil for the Skin, Hair, and Health Benefits

There is hype about hemp oil and it's become topical these days. People want to know its benefits and uses to improve skin, hair, and health. Before going to buy this oil, first know what it is, where it is used, and what its benefits are. What Is Hemp Oil? Hemp oil is an essential oil that is obtained from pressing hemp seeds. It's also known as hemp seed oil. Unrefined hemp oil is dark to light green in colour and after refining, it becomes colourless. Where does Hemp Oil use? Hemp oil is used in skincare products, hair care products, detergents, lubricants, paints, and even in cooking. Beauty Secrete of Hemp Oil for the Skin, Hair, and Health Benefits: Hemp oil contains essential fatty acids, which are necessary for our health. Essential fatty acids can't be produced by our body itself and our body takes them through diet. Essential fatty acids improve the brain and nervous system. It helps in forming a healthy cell membrane. It improves the appearance of skin and h