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Showing posts with the label Beauty

Chin Breakouts [Acne Symptoms, Causes & Treatment]

Are you still battling with pesky chin breakout as an adult? Do you want to know what causes them and how can you get rid of them?  Ok! let's dive into this post to know more about this condition and the reasons behind it that you may never have thought of.  Table of Content: What is Acne? Difference between Acne and Pimples Types and Symptoms of Chin Breakouts What causes Zits on the Chin? What do Pimples on the Chin Mean? When Chin breakouts are not Acne: Can I squeeze My Pimple? How to Treat Mild Chin Breakouts? How to Treat Moderate to Severe Acne? How to Beat an Acne Outbreak? Is It Possible to Remove Acne Scars Permanently? Diet for Better Skin What is Acne? Acne is a common condition that affects the skin by giving spots, inflammation, or comedones. This happens when dead skin cells, oil, and bacteria clog hair follicles. The bacterias are responsible for infecting the clogged pores - causing skin redness. Zits on the chin or face can occur at any stage of life but most peop

Homemade Hair Mask for Dry & Damaged Hair

Hair has always been associated with engaging quality and beauty. In this post, you know about a hair mask that can stop hair fall and improve hair growth. Everyone, men or women, dreams of healthy beautiful hair but those dreams are hard to accomplish without care. Thinning hair or hair falling out can be a concern, however, this isn't impossible to have shiny and smooth hair but following a routine is essential. The below recipe can help anyone in nourishing hair follicles and maintain a healthy scalp. This recipe benefits all unless having an underlying health condition. Table of Content Hair Mask Recipe Hair Mask Benefits Homemade Hair Mask Method Hair Mask Recipe Ingredients Amla Oil - 300 ml Castor Oil - 1 cup Vitamin E Oil - 2 Tb spoons Fenugreek Seeds Powder - 2 Tb spoons Onion Seed - 4 Tb spoons Curry Leaves - 10 to 15 leaves Hair Mask Benefits Amla Oil for Hair Amla oil is packed with vitamin C and antioxidants (Flavonoids and Polypheno

5 Foods You Should Eat Everyday

A balanced diet is the key to living a healthy life. It does not just revolve around eating the right amount of calories but also ensuring to add relevant nutrients in the diet to protect the body from different illnesses especially related to diet. Table of Content: #1 Omega-3 Fats #2 Probiotics #3 Dark leafy greens #4 Calcium #5 Antioxidants 5 Foods to eat Everyday to Stay Healthy 1. Omega-3 Fats To live a healthy life, eating foods containing omega-3 daily is recommended. Following are its excellent benefits on health: Foods containing omega-3 fats help in fighting depression and anxiety. It's good for healthy brain function and advisable to take by pregnant women as it is vital for a baby's brain development. DHA is a type of omega-3 that is important for the eyes' health. The lower level of omega-3 in the body can lead to poor eye vision. Foods having omega-3 can lower the risk of heart disease as it improves 'good' HDL cholesterol and preve

How to Treat Love Handles? (Weight Loss)

What are Love Handles? Love handles sound good but it's actually excess fat deposited at the waistline of a person. The hanging fat around the waistline is sometimes hard to lose and ruins the beauty of many worn outfits. The good news is one can get rid of love handles naturally by changing lifestyle and improving eating habits. What Causes Love Handles? Fat retention is the main cause of love handles. Factors that cause it are as follows: Languidness A diet high in sugar, calories and bad cholesterol High levels of cortisol (Haromones) in the body Lack of sleep Hypothyroidism How to Get Rid of Love Handles by Diet? One can get rid of love handles by putting the body in a weight-loss state. This state is known as a caloric deficit state and it helps in overall body fat loss, especially from love handles. For achieving this state one needs to follow the steps below: Drink plenty of water per day (8 glasses of water at least). Take less or no added sugar in the

5 Best Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for the Skin

Apple cider vinegar is a vinegar made by fermentation of apple juice. It isn't enriched in vitamins and minerals but has some antioxidant properties and contains amino acids. Apple cider vinegar is less acidic than pure vinegar (PH 2-3) because it contains more alkaline contents, however, it's still categorised as acidic in nature. It contains 5-6% acetic acid which is a weak acid. It also contains water and other acids. It gives healthy glowing skin and can treat many skin problems.                                Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Skin: Apple cider vinegar is good for skin health when using it in the right way. Apple cider vinegar can have the following benefits on the skin. 1- Apple Cider Vinegar for Skin Lightening: Glycol in apple cider vinegar helps in skin lightening. Its acidic properties inhibit bacteria from spreading while sloughing off dead skin cells. It eliminates impurities from the skin, leaving it soft and supple. It fades spots and

Top 3 Vitamin C Benefits for Health/Skin/Hair

What does Vitamin C Do?  Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that works as an antioxidant in the body. These antioxidants protect the body from cell damage that is caused by free radicals. Oxidative stress is harmful to the body and antioxidants help in stabilising free radicals caused by oxidative stress. It is important to know about  Oxidative Stress, and Its Remedies  to learn how to deal with it. Why You Should Care about Vitamin C in Your Diet? Vitamin C plays a vital role in the development and repair of body tissues. It's multifarious health and beauty benefits that one should know. It produces a protein that makes skin, tendons and blood vessels. Many beauty brands found incredible benefits of  Vitamin C for skin and hair; these brands are now adding Vitamin C to their various products. Also, it's an important source of major body functions. Top 3 Vitamin C Benefits Vitamin C has so many benefits for skin, hair, and health. Below are the three m