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Showing posts from July, 2019

9 Quickest Ways to Lose Weight Naturally

Weight gain is the biggest raising problem in the world. Junk foods aren't the only cause of weight gain; some medical conditions are also behind obesity. In America, 3/4 of Americans could suffer from weight gain by 2020 - according to Wiki . Weight gain is mostly a cause of many diseases. There are 9 safest and quickest ways to lose weight naturally without any side effects if they are followed properly. 9 Quickest Ways to Lose Weight: It's not onerous to lose weight when a proper plan is followed. The best thing is to do it naturally without taking medication. 1- Add Less Sugar or No Sugar to Diet: One of the quickest ways to lose weight is to take less sugar; there is a direct link between sugar and hunger levels. Taking more sugar causes more hunger. Avoiding sugar or eating fewer carbohydrates discourages binge eating. When the body feels hungry due to a high level of sugar in the body, the person overeats, which means it doesn't burn the stored fat. Wh

What does Vitamin E Do for Your Skin? Vitamin E (Tocopherol) Oil Benefits

What is Vitamin E and Why Do You Need It for Your Skin? Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that is essential in keeping tissues safe from free radical damage. It's beneficial in maintaining healthy skin. It contains antioxidants that fight free radicals and protect the skin from UV damage. Vitamin E works as a natural healer; It also makes skin soft, and smooth and delays premature ageing. Vitamin E  (T ocopherol)   Oil for Scars: Vitamin E is quite effective in fading scars.  Free radicals make it harder for scars to heal. Vitamin E's  antioxidant properties promote healing by fighting free radicals. There is a wide variety of lotions and moisturisers available in the market that contain Vitamin E. One can see a significant improvement in skin appearance by applying Vitamin E moisturiser daily. Vitamin E (T ocopherol) Prevents Skin Ageing: Ageing is caused by free radicals in the body. These free radicals damage the skin cells that result in dark spots and wrinkles

Benefits of Aloe Vera for Acne Scars

What Is Aloe Vera and Why We Need Aloe Vera for Acne Scars? Aloe Vera is a plant and a type of shrub that is short-stemmed (have succulent leaves) from which Aloe Vera gel is extracted. It grows in a tropical environment and is mostly found in Sudan. It has been widely used for treating different skin conditions. Aloe Vera gel is enriched in nutrition that is quite good for both health and beauty. It contains seven essential amino acids and twelve non-essential amino acids. It also contains enzymes, anthraquinone, lignins, folic acid, choline, hormones, sterols, saponins, minerals, salicylic acid, and Vitamins A, C, E, and B 12. Aloin is a yellow-brown coloured compound in the Aloe Vera gel that helps in clearing acne or pimple scars that are left after the pimples are healed. Its antioxidant property protects from cell damage. However, Aloe Vera can't fade depressed facial scars as they are formed by losing skin cells. It's beneficial in treating mild to moderate acne sca