Hard Bowel Movement
In the digestive system, bowel movement is the last stop for the food movement. Hard bowel movement results in very hard stools and can happen to anyone from time to time or it could be a sign of certain diseases like diverticular, intestinal obstruction, or hypothyroidism.
Almost 20% of people worldwide are affected by chronic hard stools. This process can be made better by changing our lifestyle and diet. If having hard stool issues then read the following tips. These points would help you with hard bowel movements naturally.
Causes of Very Hard Stool
There can be various reasons for hard stools. These can be diet, lifestyle, certain health conditions, or medications. Food during digestion passes through the colon and when the large intestine absorbs too much water it forms very hard stools. Sometimes blood spots can also be seen with stool. If this condition is not treated, it would give piles.
Treatment & Prevention of Very Hard Stool (Naturally)
Drink Plenty Of Water
Water is very important for our health. It just not only makes our skin good but it's also good for our overall health. Dehydration in the colon causes hard bowel movement so drinking plenty of water makes the bowel work properly. When our body is hydrated, less water withdraws from the colon thus fewer chances of hard stools. Drinking warm water could make bowel movements regular.Generally, 8 glasses of water are recommended but if you don't have any severe kidney issues, you can take 2-3 litres of water per day. To know more benefits of drinking water, read the post, '25 Benefits of Drinking Water'.
Eat Prunes
Prunes are really good for treating hard poops as they contain sorbitol (a natural laxative). Sorbitol has the property of passing through the body undigested. It draws water into the gut so as to bulk up the stool. Eating prunes can also help to lose weight by stimulating bowel movements. If you take 3-4 prunes in the morning and night then you can easily see the difference. It has insoluble fibre which helps your bowel to function properly. If you can't find whole prunes then can buy prune juice. 100 grams of juice contains 6.1 grams of sorbitol.Apple, Pear, and Cucumber Diet
In the Morning do breakfast with 1 apple, 2 pears, and a half cucumber daily. These fruits just not only make skin good but also help in softening hard stools. Apple, pear, and cucumber have much fibre in their edible skin so they are best for a hard bowel movement.Exercise
Be more active and add 20 minutes of daily exercise to your routine. You can walk, run, swim, or go cycling. You can even do yoga or exercise at home. Walking for just 20-30 minutes could stimulate bowel movement.Abdominal massage
Abdominal massage may help in moving stool along the side of the colon and may aid in easing belly bloating pressure, and tightness.
Massage belly gently with the help of fingertips in a clockwise circular motion. You may press a little deeper with your fingers if feeling tightness or pressure in the area. For the gentle motion of fingers, use a few drops of oil.
Start from the belly button and massage in a circular motion for a few minutes then massage on the right side just below the belly button for a minute then gently move fingers to the top of the belly button along the rib cage. After massaging above the belly button move your fingers down to the right side of the belly. Watch the Abdominal massage video for a guide.
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