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How To Treat Dandruff

Dandruff is common and one in five people has got dandruff. Dandruff causes hair to fall. Men suffer from dandruff and baldness more than women because they usually have weaker scalp barriers than women. Before writing about how to get rid of dandruff, I want you to know what is dandruff and what causes it. What is Dandruff? Dandruff is a skin condition that is caused by the overgrowth of fungus in the skin of the scalp. It's small white or grey flakes on the scalp's skin and when it combines with dirt or oil then it gives itching and sometimes inflammation to the skin. When sebum (natural skin oil) breaks down into oleic acid then many people are sensitive to it and this sensitivity gives itching and inflammation. Dandruff can't be cured completely but there are treatments available that help to control it. Dandruff causes: There can be different causes of dandruff but sometimes the cause is unknown. However, the main reasons behind dandruff in the hair

Oxidative Stress and Its Remedies

What Is Oxidative Stress? Oxidative stress causes when there is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in our body. When we breathe, our body goes into the oxidation process. During this process free radicals also form that react to our body cells and harm or stress them. The oxidation process can be good or bad for the body. Similarly, free radicals can help in repairing cells and it's fine to have some free radicals in the body. The problem starts when free radicals get excited and start attacking the body cells. Therefore, it's better to consume more antioxidants to stabilise highly reactive free radicals. What Are Antioxidants? Antioxidants help to stabilise free radicals. They react with free radicals and stop the long free radical chain reactions that damage cells. They improve the body's defence system but according to the latest studies, too many antioxidants are also not good for health. So it's better to have a balance between antioxidants and

How To Treat Oily Skin

When the skin shines and oil can be seen on the face after a few hours of washing the face then these are the signs of oily skin. Oily skin can also have blackheads, acne or large pores on the greasy part of the face. So, if you have an oily face and want to get rid of it then the following are the tips that can help you.                                    Wash & Cleanse Your Skin: For oily skin, it's recommended to wash your face twice a day with a face wash that suits oily skin. When you're going to buy facewash then check whether or not it is suitable for oily skin. Washing too often is also harsh on the skin so using face wash twice a day is just fine. Don't use soaps as most of them are alkaline in nature and can be harsh on the skin. Oily skin is prone to acne and dead skin cells so it's good to properly cleanse your face in the morning and use a scrub 2-3 times a week. Cleansing helps to clear clogged pores and remove excess sebum (natural oil of th

7 Best Weight Loss Tips

Have A Nice Breakfast A healthy breakfast is always a good start to the day. If you don't eat a proper breakfast then you might end up eating more snacks and also can't gain essential nutrition for the body. Sometimes, we don't give it much importance but it's not the right thing to do so. One of the main reasons for doing a good breakfast, it helps in the proper working of metabolism which may help you in losing your weight fast. Increase Water Intake It is recommended to take 8 ounces of water per day. It doesn't only flush out toxins from your body but it also helps suppress your appetite. Taking water before a meal and in-between meals makes you feel full and you eat less in this way. Also, sometimes we feel hungry but actually, we're thirsty. It's also recommended to replace high calories drink with water. Add Fruits And Vegetables In Your Diet Adding fruits and vegetables to your diet help you lose weight in a healthy manner. Fruits and vege

Vitamin E Benefits for Hair

H air is an important part of beauty but if it's not healthy and strong then it makes us worried. Thinning hair and hair falling out are a concern for many people. For good, healthy, and bouncy hair, you need to know, what your scalp and hair need. Hair gets dry and frizzy when you don't care about them. Like other body parts, the hair also needs care and the right nutrition to grow and look healthy. There are different tips that can help you to make your hair strong and healthy. Therefore, I am going to write about vitamin E benefits for hair. Vitamin E For Hair loss: Hair loss is common and there can be different reasons for it. Hair loss can be caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body or it can be simply because of genes. Oxidative stress also links to hair loss. Vitamin E has antioxidant properties. It helps to reduce oxidative stress on the scalp. Oxidative stress is actually caused by an imbalance between antioxidants and free radicals in ou

Aztec Healing Clay Mask Beauty Secret

Aztec clay mask is getting popular these days because of their amazing benefits on the skin. There are posts on websites and videos on Youtube that give you evidence of how genuine it is. Before jumping on to its benefits, first, we know about what it is?  What is Aztec Healing Clay? The origin of Aztec clay is in Death Valley, California. It's bentonite clay and it's formed by weathering of volcanic ash. This clay is famous for its healing properties and is also known as Aztec healing Indian clay. It is used both internally and externally. It removes the toxin from the body. Aztec clay can be used on the face, hair or body. How Aztec Clay Mask Works: This Clay contains negative charges and impurities on our skin have positive charges. So when you applied this mask on the skin or hair, it works like a magnet and negative charges of clay combine with positive charges of impurities and when you wash it off, it takes all impurities out of the skin or hair. 3 Benefit

How Treat Blackheads on Nose/Cheek/Forehead

Blackheads are very common and almost all of us suffer from it. Actually, it doesn't have any effects on our health but it affects the appearance of our skin. Before jumping onto the tips to get rid of blackheads, first, we should know what are they and what causes them? What Are Blackheads? Blackheads are tiny bumps on the skin and are also known as acne comedones. These tiny bumps mostly appear around the nose, however, they can appear in different areas of the body like the shoulder, chest, back, ears or arms. When the surface of these tiny bumps is closed then they are called whiteheads and if they are opened they are called blackheads. They are named blackheads because they are dark and black in appearance. Always eschew popping blackheads. What Causes Blackheads? Blackhead bumps are formed by clogging the hair follicles on the skin with excessive sebum (It is a natural skin oil) or by any debris. They can be big blackheads or deep blackheads. Tips for Getting Rid of Bla