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How To Treat Dandruff

Dandruff is common and one in five people has got dandruff. Dandruff causes hair to fall. Men suffer from dandruff and baldness more than women because they usually have weaker scalp barriers than women. Before writing about how to get rid of dandruff, I want you to know what is dandruff and what causes it. What is Dandruff? Dandruff is a skin condition that is caused by the overgrowth of fungus in the skin of the scalp. It's small white or grey flakes on the scalp's skin and when it combines with dirt or oil then it gives itching and sometimes inflammation to the skin. When sebum (natural skin oil) breaks down into oleic acid then many people are sensitive to it and this sensitivity gives itching and inflammation. Dandruff can't be cured completely but there are treatments available that help to control it. Dandruff causes: There can be different causes of dandruff but sometimes the cause is unknown. However, the main reasons behind dandruff in the hair

Vitamin E Benefits for Hair

H air is an important part of beauty but if it's not healthy and strong then it makes us worried. Thinning hair and hair falling out are a concern for many people. For good, healthy, and bouncy hair, you need to know, what your scalp and hair need. Hair gets dry and frizzy when you don't care about them. Like other body parts, the hair also needs care and the right nutrition to grow and look healthy. There are different tips that can help you to make your hair strong and healthy. Therefore, I am going to write about vitamin E benefits for hair. Vitamin E For Hair loss: Hair loss is common and there can be different reasons for it. Hair loss can be caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body or it can be simply because of genes. Oxidative stress also links to hair loss. Vitamin E has antioxidant properties. It helps to reduce oxidative stress on the scalp. Oxidative stress is actually caused by an imbalance between antioxidants and free radicals in ou

4 Best Rosehip Oil Benefits

Rosehip oil is an essential oil but it can be used without mixing in a carrier oil. It can also name Rosehip seed oil. It has provitamins and essential fatty acids (omega 3, omega 6, and omega 9). It has healing properties and can be used in treating scars and dry damaged skin. Rosehip oil is often recommended for aromatherapy. Rosehip Oil Benefits for Skin: Rosehip oil is good for skin health. It's used in many cosmetics and skincare products. It contains essential fatty acids and antioxidants that treat dry skin, scars, stretch marks, and fine lines. Vitamin A with essential fatty acids in rosehip oil helps in improving skin tone and pigmentation. Rosehip oil works as an astringent which makes skin bright and restores its tightness. It's best for hyperpigmentation especially if it's caused by acne scars. Rosehip oil also helps in lightening skin by the time. It nourishes and hydrates the skin. If you have  facial blemishe s then you must try it. It works great on

Benefits of Coconut Oil on Skin and Health

Coconut oil is a carrier oil. It has natural antibacterial and antifungal qualities. There are so many benefits of coconut oil for you. In recent years, there is an increase in demand for coconut oil and it's now considered more beneficial than olive oil.                                                             Benefits of Coconut oil on skin, Hair, and Body: Coconut Oil Benefits for Hair - Improves Hair Quality And Length: Regular use of coconut oil not only makes your hair smooth and shiny but also makes it thick and long. The best thing is to massage your hair with coconut oil for 1-2 hours before washing your hair. Coconut oil is best to use in summer on hair as warm weather makes it better to penetrate it in your head and hair. If you are worried about your frizzes then after a bath apply a few drops of oil on damp hair and it'll gradually tame your frizz. Also, regular use of this oil helps to control dandruff because it nourishes the dry scalp and prevents dandruf