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5 Reasons Why Sugar is Bad for Your Body (Low and High Sugar Foods)

Excess sugar intake isn't good for our bodies and it can have many side effects. It's better to take only the daily recommended sugar and if possible take added sugar as less as possible. Sugar can affect different parts of our body but here, I am writing about 5 main reasons to use less sugar in our daily diet. Also, be aware of high-sugar foods to limit them. 5 Reasons Why Sugar is Bad for You: 1- Sugar causes Acne & Early Skin Ageing: Taking too much sugar in your diet links to acne. Sugary foods, juices, and drinks may cause breakouts. You can apply sugar scrub on your face and it doesn't cause any breakout, only you need to eat less sugary foods. A high-sugar diet increases sebum production and inflammation of the skin which results in pore clogging and acne on the face. Sugar also causes early ageing. Early signs of ageing include light wrinkles around the eyes and mouth. According to studies, sugar reacts with the protein in our body and produces ad

Weight Loss Tips for Women

Obesity is the root cause of many illnesses. Sometimes we gain weight by overeating or sometimes there is an underlying cause of it. Skipping meals isn't a good option to lose weight. Every woman is different. Therefore, first, find the reason behind weight gain and then work on losing it. You can check whether you are overweight or underweight by calculating your BMI (Body Mass Index). The following are tips that may help you lose weight. Weight Loss And Calories Intake Per Day: Generally, a woman needs 2000 calories per day but this could be different to each individual. Some women burn calories more quickly than others and some have a quick weight-gaining tendency. An important thing is to count on calories. For losing weight, it's recommended to eat 1500 calories per day. It helps you to lose 1 pound of weight in a week. Drastic weight loss isn't a good option, It's better to gradually lose weight at a nice pace. Adult women in their '30s shoul

7 Acupuncture Benefits - Smeh Beautytips

What is Acupuncture? Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese treatment used to treat different physical and mental health conditions. In Acupuncture, sterilized needles are inserted in the body at specific points (acupoints or pressure points). These points are considered energy points and are known as meridians. This process stimulates sensory nerves resulting in producing natural body hormones. 7 Amazing Acupuncture Benefits: Acupuncture can be used for various reasons but the 7 best benefits of it are as follows. 1- Acupuncture Benefits For Skin: Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves inserting fine needles into specific points on the body to stimulate the body's natural healing processes. Acupuncture has been shown to have many benefits for the skin, including: Reducing inflammation:  Acupuncture can help reduce inflammation in the skin, which can lead to clearer, brighter skin. Increasing circulation:  By improving blood flow to the skin, a

Beauty Secret of Hemp Oil for the Skin, Hair, and Health Benefits

There is hype about hemp oil and it's become topical these days. People want to know its benefits and uses to improve skin, hair, and health. Before going to buy this oil, first know what it is, where it is used, and what its benefits are. What Is Hemp Oil? Hemp oil is an essential oil that is obtained from pressing hemp seeds. It's also known as hemp seed oil. Unrefined hemp oil is dark to light green in colour and after refining, it becomes colourless. Where does Hemp Oil use? Hemp oil is used in skincare products, hair care products, detergents, lubricants, paints, and even in cooking. Beauty Secrete of Hemp Oil for the Skin, Hair, and Health Benefits: Hemp oil contains essential fatty acids, which are necessary for our health. Essential fatty acids can't be produced by our body itself and our body takes them through diet. Essential fatty acids improve the brain and nervous system. It helps in forming a healthy cell membrane. It improves the appearance of skin and h

5 Amazing Turmeric Benefits That You Should Know

What is Turmeric? Turmeric is a South Asian herb and a spice that is used for a variety of reasons. It can be used in our daily cooking as well as in cosmetic products.  It's called Haldi in Urdu. It contains the compound curcumin which has so many benefits to our health. A pinch of Turmeric contains a good amount of magnesium, potassium and vitamin C. It may manage the stress level in the body and improve body immunity. Turmeric Benefits On Skin: Turmeric has numerous benefits for the skin. It has anti-inflammatory properties and it helps in healing wounds. Turmeric kills bacteria on your skin and its mask reduces inflammation in the skin. Oxidative stress can cause acne and turmeric has antioxidant properties which may help to cure pimples or acne on your face. Turmeric can also help in reducing dark spots and uneven skin tone. It rejuvenates skin cells and makes your skin glow. Turmeric mask reduces dark circles, dry skin, and eczema and gives skin-soothing effe

3 Best Home Remedies To Remove Facial Hair - Smeh Beautytips

Home Remedies To Remove Facial Hair Facial hair is unwanted hair and you can change your looks by simply removing it. It's mainly around the upper lips, cheeks, chin or forehead. You may naturally be born with some facial hair or it may appear at some point in your life. There are different methods to remove facial hair but here I am writing about natural home remedies to remove it. These home remedies just not only help to remove hair but also gives your skin a natural glow. 1-Chickpea Flour Mask: Ingredients : For chickpea flour mask take, 2 tablespoons of chickpea flour or besan 1 tablespoon of rice flour 1/2 teaspoon turmeric 2-3 tablespoons of milk Besan Benefits On Skin: Besan works as an exfoliator and removes dead skin cells. It also gradually helps in removing facial hair and making even skin tone. It just not only removes excess sebum (face oil) but also moisturises your skin. Rice Flour Benefits On Skin: Rice flour has anti-inflammatory properties and it'

How To Get A Lighter Skin Complexion

You look beautiful if you have an even tone and glowy skin but if you want to have a fair complexion then you can try the following tips. Use A Right Face Wash & Moisturiser: You can improve your complexion if you take care of your facial skin on a daily basis. You need to wash your face twice a day with a face wash that suits you. There are different varieties of face wash available in the market so only select a face wash that works on your skin type. If you have blemishes then there are also face washes available for blemishes-prone skin. After face washing, pad dry your face and then always use a good moisturizer. Rosehip oil has amazing benefits on the skin. It doesn't only moisturise your skin but it also helps to lighten your skin colour. You can check its benefits in my post ' 4 Best Rosehip Oil Uses'. 3 Steps For Face Cleansing: It's better to do cleansing once or twice a week. It removes dead skin cells and rejuvenates your skin. 1-Cle