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Staff Shortage in Healthcare putting patient at Red Risk

Patients' safety and lives are being jeopardised due to a staff shortage in healthcare. When hospitals are understaffed and in need of stronger practice management procedures, more patients experience serious effects. Near misses must be identified in healthcare because many harmful medical incidents can be avoided, and recognising them aids healthcare organisations in developing better practice management approaches to protect patients. The staff ensures that patients are well taken care of, including regular exams, assistance with toileting, and timely medicine. The care staff shortage is a major source of concern for authorities in countries around the world, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and Australia. Staff shortages in healthcare have a substantial impact on patient care, resulting in longer wait times, delays in treatment, and negative experiences, all of which contribute to additional mental health disorders. One out of every 10 nursing positions

How to Deal with Intrusive Thoughts - Mental Health

What are Intrusive Thoughts? Intrusive thoughts are unwanted obsessed or distressing thoughts or images that come into your mind out of almost nowhere and have difficulty managing or getting past them.  We all experience some kind of intrusive thoughts but some are more affected and develop complex PTSD or OCD which can wreak havoc on their lives. Although these thoughts are like other thoughts, our attachment to them causes a real disturbance.  For instance, inappropriate images popping into the head, fear of the future,  unpleasant memories of past events, and a variety of disturbing thoughts are all forms of them. Intrusive thoughts are completely normal brain functioning and around 94% of the population experience them on a daily basis. Though invasive thoughts can be jarring, they ain't a sign of apprehension or mental disorder only if they're severe or incredibly persistent, therefore, it's when they become obsessive that the real damage is done. One example of obsess